
Passion for air-cooled Porsche cars
It all started at the end of the '80s in the development center of the Dr. Ing. h. c. F. Porsche AG in Weissach. Responsible for the engine application M64.03/05/06/20/50 were the series 964 and 993 quickly mine. Many innovations, details, and improvements have flowed into the series in this time, which are still very valuable today for function, reliability, for a lasting repair, a revision, or restoration.
Aircooled only
I know the air-cooled ones very well and understand what they can do and what their weaknesses are. They are details that make up the whole vehicle, features that are important for function and reliability. Much of it gets lost in the cars, be it due to poor maintenance, ignorance, or other environmental influences. If your passion for your air-cooled Porsche is as high as mine, come by and have these details rebuilt. Because it makes you happy to get into such a spirited car without hesitation and enjoy the landscape with the sonorous engine in the rear, or to explore the limits on the race track.
Yours Joerg Uhlig
Uhlig Vintage Cars
Im Maurer 14
71144 Steinenbronn
How to find us:
Via the A8, exit Möhringen 52a, direction Echterdingen. Follow the main road to Steinenbronn. Take the first exit on the right into the industrial area, Kring/Maurer.
Via the A81, exit Böblingen/Sindelfingen 23, direction Schönaich to Steinenbronn. On the bypass turn right into the industrial area Kring/Maurer.